Menu supression

How do i suppress the user menu for users not logged in with members?

To suppress a user menu for non-logged-in users using the Members plugin, follow these steps:

1. Set Up a New User Role (Optional)

If you want to target specific roles for menu visibility, ensure you have the role(s) set up via Members:

  • Go to Users → Roles.
  • Create or edit a role as needed.

2. Create a Custom Menu for Logged-In Users

  • Go to Appearance → Menus in your WordPress dashboard.
  • Create or edit a menu that should only be visible to logged-in users.

3. Restrict Menu Visibility with Members

The Members plugin allows you to restrict visibility on a per-menu-item basis:

  • In the menu editor, click the dropdown arrow of the menu item you want to restrict.
  • Look for the “Restrict to” section. (This appears once Members is installed.)
  • Check “Logged-in users” or specify a role.
  • Save your menu.

4. Hide Entire Menus for Non-Logged-In Users

If you want the entire menu to disappear:

  • Use the “Display Location” feature to assign menus:
    • Assign a menu visible only to logged-in users to a specific location.
    • Leave the default menu location empty for non-logged-in users.
  • Alter­na­tively, use a plugin like Condi­tional Menus (from the same developers as Members) to assign menus dynami­cally based on the user’s login status.

5. Test Your Changes

  • Log out and verify that the menu doesn’t appear for non-logged-in users.
  • Log back in and check that the menu is visible for logged-in users.

Additional Plugins for Dynamic Menus

If you need more granular control (e.g., showing a completely different menu for non-logged-in users):

  • Use Condi­tional Menus or If Menu for advanced logic in conjunction with Members.

Let me know if you need further assis­tance!